Our Mission
The mission of the Bauer MBA Society (BMBAS) is to foster an environment of collaboration and community among graduate-level business students, faculty, alumni and the business community to promote the Bauer MBA.
We accomplish this by:
- Extending lessons from the classroom by providing professional speakers.
- Creating the foundation for a powerful network of future business leaders through events and activities.
- Implementing programs designed to help students with career placement.
For more information about the history of the organization, please refer here.
Executive Board
The Executive Board is responsible for providing support to the Bauer MBA Society through various functional roles:
- Oversees all areas of the Bauer MBA Society.
- Sets & tracks goals for the organization and delegates responsibility to officers as appropriate.
- Ensures all organization functions and club events run smoothly.
- Primary contact of the organization. Responsible for keeping the faculty advisor informed on Bauer MBA Society activities and decisions.
Executive Vice President
- Works closely with the President to ensure all board members and club officers meet organization goals.
- Ensures commitment of the board and monitors club member engagement.
- Holds elections for new club officers in the fall and spring.
Vice President of Marketing
- Designs & develops communication guidelines & brand principles for the entire organization to follow.
- Works closely with Club Presidents and officers to promote and raise awareness of events.
Vice President of Finance
- Maintains an accurate record of organization accounts & inventory.
- Oversee use of cash for organization events and approval of reimbursements.
- Engages in fundraising efforts to raise money for the organization.
Vice President of Service & Community Outreach
- Provides opportunities for community service and philanthropy on campus and in the Houston community.
- Works alongside the Bauer College Alumni Association to coordinate participation of BMBAS membership in community service events.
Vice President of Mentorship
- Identifies and recruits Bauer alumni and other qualified professionals to participate as mentors to current students.
- Oversees the Mentorship program for the Bauer MBA Society.
The Bauer MBA Society acts as an umbrella organization comprised of several unique clubs which plan various networking and professional events. The current list of clubs under the Bauer MBA Society brand include:
Organization Chart
Information about club guidelines can be found here.
Organization Registration Process
Each April, student organizations are required to complete the organization registration process with the Center of Student Involvement (CSI) to become registered for the following school year. The requirements to become registered are:
- Orientation sessions must be attended by the top three registered student leaders (must be currently enrolled).
- The group will attend a required Orientation session with the CSI to become aware of university policies and expectations of registered student organizations.
- The group will view mandatory risk management videos, coupled with an in-person workshop, to train all student organizations on this topic as it relates to their activities.
- The group will file its name, constitution regarding its method of operation, faculty/staff advisor, and the names of its officers or contact persons with the Center for Student Involvement through Get Involved.
- At the time of filing through Get Involved, three officers or contact persons for the organization will agree to a statement indicating that they are familiar with and will abide by the aforementioned responsibilities of student organizations. They will also agree to the standard hazing and discrimination disclaimer required of all student organizations.
- Having ascertained that the group’s purpose is lawful and within university regulations and that the group has filed the required forms and disclaimers, the Assistant Director of Center for Student Involvement, or designee, will approve the application. Appropriate university personnel are notified by Center for Student Involvement that the group is then eligible for all of the rights of student organizations.
- Should the staff feel that the organization does not meet the requirements for registration, notification of the decision and reasons will be furnished to the applying organization. The group may appeal the decision to the Dean of Students.
- Decisions of the University Hearing Board may be appealed to the Dean of Students.
Registered Student Organizations (RSOs) are required to submit a constitution annually during the organization registration process. The Center for Student Involvement (CSI) encourages student organizations to review and update their constitution on an annual basis.
A sample constitution can be found here.
State Mandated Risk Management Education
More information about the Club & Organization registration process with the CSI can be found here.
Event Planning Requirements
Club leaders are obligated to plan a minimum of three events for the upcoming semester at least one month prior to the beginning of the semester. In addition, clubs are required to host at least one event per month. It is strongly encouraged that these events involve Bauer alumni in the professional community or major organizations which can provide recruitment opportunities for Bauer students. To remain relevant in the society, clubs must maintain attendance and active engagement from their target audience.
According to the Club Guidelines:
- At least one member of the leadership structure must be leading the meeting.
- There shall be an agenda that is followed.
- At least one meeting must be held each month during the fall and spring semesters.
- A sign-in sheet of attendees must be kept for each meeting.
Planning Checklist
The factors to consider when planning a major event include:
- What is the purpose of our program?
- What are our goals?
- Why are we doing this?
- How does this program support the vision and scope of our group?
Who is involved?
- Who will be involved with planning and implementing the program (President, Vice President, Committee Chair, etc.)?
- If a committee structure is used, who will be on them?
- Who needs to approve the program?
- Who is the target audience (the UH community, the local community)?
What is the Program description?
- What will the program accomplish?
- What need(s) held by the target audience does the program meet?
- What aspect of the organization’s mission or goals does it fulfill?
What are the costs involved with the Program?
- Consider food, supplies, advertising, tickets, prizes, transportation off-campus, etc.
- Should the program be cosponsored with another group?
When will the Program take place? Does the date conflict with:
- Other BMBAS Organization events
- Major exams, holidays, important events around campus, etc.
Where will the Program be held? Locations within the C.T. Bauer College of Business include:
- Melcher Hall
- Insperity Classroom & Business Building (CBB)
- Michael J. Cemo Hall
How will people know about the Program?
- What needs to be done to advertise the program – flyers, email, social media, personal referrals, etc.?
- When does the advertising need to go out?
- Who will be in charge of coordinating the marketing?
Have you considered the following?
- Gender bias and gender-neutral language
- Religious backgrounds, rituals and traditions
- Diverse racial and/or ethnic populations
- Needs of students with disabilities
- Economic limitations faced by some residents
- Heterosexual bias and diverse sexual orientations
11 Steps for Successful Event Planning
The most important part of any program is the planning that precedes the actual event. Planning often determines if the program will be successful or a failure. Here are some suggested steps when planning an event:
- Meet with those involved in the event planning process and your advisor to discuss the event and the event planning checklist.
- Complete the Center for Student Involvement event registration process and any additional paperwork in order to reserve space.
- Develop a Risk Management Plan utilizing the Risk Matrix
- Secure any needed funding from organization, outside entities, individuals, etc.
- Publicize your event (see Event Marketing & Promotion)
- Purchase any supplies needed such as food, drinks, materials, etc.
- Arrive early to the event to confirm that everybody understands their roles during the event
- Enjoy the event.
- Thank everybody who was involved.
- Meet with those who planned and participated in the event to review and evaluate the event.
- File all paperwork and evaluation notes so that your organization can find them for the next time they host the event.
How to Reserve Spaces
As of August 21, 2017, Bauer Room Reservations charge a fee for use of spaces. Please see the Room Fee Schedule.
- To request a reservation please use the form
- Requests will be reviewed and assigned based on availability and compliance to University and College policies and regulations.
- A reply e-mail will be sent to you upon review to inform you if your request has been approved. If approved, you will be provided all necessary details with regards to using the space.
- Please read the Bauer Facilities Reservation and Use Policies
The doors will be programmed to be open for your event based on the requested start and end times submitted. The start time and end time of your request should reflect the overall time you will need the space. Please be sure to account for the set-up and breakdown of your event.
Featured available rooms:
- CBB 310
- CBB 316
- CBB 328/330 (Student Training Center)
- CBB 506
- CBB 508
- CBB 510
- CBB 522
- MH 302
Cemo Hall
To reserve spaces on the first floor of Cemo Hall: 106 and Interview Overflow rooms, please use the Cemo Hall Reservation System or contact the Rockwell Career Center at 832-842-6120.
Club Funding
The Vice President of Finance is responsible for securing and monitoring cash inflow and outflow for the organization. The organization is funded directly from new membership dues, hence it is vital to keep track of recruitment performance. Some recruitment KPI’s include:
- Asset turnover
- Join date / Time to Join
- New member acquisition rate
- Cost per new member
Student engagement and attendance are the primary performance indicators to gauge the outcomes of events. RSVP’ing prior to an event provides valuable insight on student engagement and interest, and it is vital to have an attendance sheet provided for each event.
Activities Funding Board
The Activities Funding Board serves as the University’s student organization funding board. AFB receives money each year to allocate out to student organizations. The allocation changes each year. Only registered student organizations (RSOs) through the Center for Student Involvement can request funds for programming and conference travel. RSOs can request up to $2500 each academic school year (Fall through Summer) towards programming and conference travel. While organizations can get up to $2500 each school year, only $1000 may be used for conference travel.
Learn more about the Activities Funding Board.
Bank Accounts
Access to the Bauer MBA Society bank accounts shall be given to the President, Executive Vice President, and Vice President of Finance. According to the Center of Student Involvement:
As a student organization, you are entitled to opening a bank account through a banking institution of your choosing. One of the major benefits of having a bank account will allow student organizations to maintain money in a safe and trusted location. Many student organizations may opt to bank with TDECU – YOUR CREDIT UNION because of the branch located in the University Center.
Student organizations that are interested in setting up a bank account should be prepared to present the Memorandum that is generated from the Center for Student Involvement. Many banking institutions will limit the number of co-signers on a bank account and prefer to have the officers as the co-signers. It is important to maintain the active list of officers with the Center for Student Involvement so that power can be transferred to the new officers easily.
The Center for Student Involvement encourages student organizations to take precautions when maintaining bank accounts. Student organizations that opt to get checks or debit/ATM cards for their bank account, we encourage student organizations keep those in safe and concealed places. Checks and/or debit/ATM cards can potentially be stolen like any property.
If an event is being sponsored by more than one club or organization, all of the cooperating organizations must provide a breakdown of the costs of the entire event along with their budget request, including each group’s planning responsibility. Co-sponsoring events between multiple student organizations is highly encouraged.
The Finance Committee will engage in fundraising efforts to raise money for the organization. Individual clubs may also engage in separate fundraising for specified events. It is highly recommended that each club fundraise at least one event per year to preserve the resources to keep the organization afloat. Proceeds from fundraising events can be handled by the Vice President of Finance, who will allocate them to the club responsible accordingly.
Process for Becoming a Paid Member
New membership is the lifeblood of the Bauer MBA Society. The new member dues are currently set to $90. This may be subject to review depending on the level of engagement for various clubs or addition of new clubs. The process for becoming a paid member is as follows:
- Fill out a WordPress form with basic identification information
- Link will take them to a PayPal page where they will enter their credit card information or login info if they already have an account.
- They will pay the $90 membership fee which includes a small processing fee
- The member will receive confirmation that they successfully completed the process.
- The MailChimp account will automatically pull the new member’s information from the WordPress form.
Requesting Funds
The Vice President of Finance will oversee use of cash for organizational events; however, all funding requests must also be approved by the President of the Bauer MBA Society. Officers or Club Leaders who need additional funding for special occasions shall complete a fund request form at least two (2) weeks prior to when the funds are needed. Funds must be approved by both the finance committee and two thirds of the Executive Board. The Board’s decision regarding fund requests shall be disclosed within one (1) week of receipt of the written request.
All cash, property, and assets shall only be used for Bauer MBA Society matters. Under no circumstance shall any funds be distributed to any officer, faculty or staff advisor, committee member, or student, for personal matters.
Balancing the Budget
The Vice President of Finance shall keep an accurate record of Bauer MBA Society assets, liabilities, and operating cash flow to prepare and preserve such records for presentation and inspection.
They are required to prepare a budget one month prior to the start of the semester to allocate funds for planning purposes. It is recommended to review the previous years actual expenses as a benchmark.
Funds allocation will be primarily based on expected attendance and prioritized according to expected return on investment. The Executive Board has the right to vote on or deny budget requests as deemed appropriate.
Figures required on a Budget include:
- Activity/Event Form
- Scheduling information: Date, Time, & Location
- Expected attendance
- Description of event & benefits
- Priority (#1 being the highest in importance, #5 being the lowest in importance)
- Budget Form
- Cost breakdown of event (by line item)
- Total expenses
- Expected revenue (if applicable)
Event specific allocation can incorporate line items such as:
- Promotional Materials
- Includes expenditures for printing costs related to programs, invitations, promotional items, signs/posters etc. Printing requires approval prior to incurring expenses.
- Food & Drinks
- Expenses related to food, snacks and beverages for events. Food and drink budget must be based on expected attendance and kept to a reasonable per member cost (Eg. Maximum of $15 per person).
- Travel
- All expenses related to travel. Travel requires approval prior to incurring expenses.
- Programs or conferences may be reimbursed by the Activities Funding Board.
- Booking
- All fees related to reserving locations for club events, meetings or recreation.
- Gifts
- All gift related items for speakers or panelists hosted by the organization.
- Parking
- Guest parking passes for external speakers or panelists.
General & Administrative Costs include:
- Promotional Materials
- Business cards, Flyers, Club t-shirts etc.
- Supplies
- All general office supplies, as well as special supply needs.
- Web Hosting Costs
- Renewal of the bmbas.org domain from Hostmonster
Questions to ask when creating a Budget
- What are the organizational goals?
- Where do we want the bulk of your money going? Prioritize your events.
- What are the sources of income?
- Membership dues
- Donations
- Fundraising
- What did last year’s budget look like?
- Where did the organization lose money and what was successful?
- How will you increase your successes?
- How much “risk” does the organization have within their budget?
- Have I done my homework?
- Obtain quotes on potential costs- shop around
- Do not always overestimate- get real numbers
- Did I update the key stakeholders?
- To ensure safety of funds, always provide monthly updates and have more than one member/officer approve expenditures
- Are my records accurate and current?
- Budgeted costs
- Actual costs
- Any unanticipated expenses
The Vice President of Finance must keep track of inventory which is kept in the Bauer MBA Society office on the 5th floor. An inventory register can be used to display which items were withdrawn for which purpose. Information on the register can include:
- Date
- Name / Club
- Description
- Category
- Quantity
- Event
- Budget Request Form
Reimbursement Procedure
In the event that an officer or member requires reimbursement for expenditures made on behalf of the Bauer MBA Society, the appropriate forms shall be completed and submitted to the Vice President of Finance immediately with receipts attached.
Expenses not budgeted for or in excess of approved annual or supplemental budget will not be refunded. However funds from club accounts can be used for expenses. This includes food for special events even if you were approved.
Reimbursement shall be completed by the Vice President of Finance within two (2) weeks of submission of the paperwork required for reimbursement.
The Vice President of Finance is responsible for maintaining the organization’s PayPal and other payment accounts. Reimbursements of club expenses can be performed via PayPal.
Bauer MBA Society Communication Standards
The Vice President of Marketing is responsible for developing and maintaining the integrity of the Bauer MBA Society brand by ensuring consistency in overall look and messaging across the organization on all communication platforms. The Vice President of Marketing must design best practices from the beginning of the semester to avoid confusion from the existing member base.
Why Branding is Important
A brand represents everything about an organization that gives people a perception of the organization. Brand is more than just a logo. It’s the reputation, quality, personality and unique attributes of an organization. Our brand is the intersection of what we say about ourselves, how we act, what people think of us, and why we’re different from other higher education institutions.
A strong brand makes the university’s contributions and value easy to understand in a genuine way. It also cultivates a personal connection with us, which is necessary for fundraising. People support organizations they feel strongly about.
Standards Subject to Review
- Club Logo Design (Standard Logo, Name/Icon Only, Black & White, etc.)
- Style Guidelines (Color, Typography, Graphics, Layouts, etc.)
- Slogans & Taglines
- Assets (.png, .svg, .ait, .tiff, etc.)
- Platform
- Subject Lines / Call to Action
- Signature
- Lists & Segmentation
- Templates
- Links & Buttons
- Analytics (CTR’s, Open Rates, Unsubscribes, etc.)
- Timing & Frequency
- Quality Control & Testing
- Follow Up / Thank You
Social Media & Website
- Content
- Post Description
- Links & Buttons
- Analytics
- Timing & Frequency
- Hashtags
- Data Management
Website Posting Guidelines
The Vice President of Marketing is responsible for ensuring that content posted on the Bauer MBA Society website (bmbas.org) meets the standards. The VP’s of Communications for each of the society clubs should coordinate so that the material presented on the website is accurate. A typical website posting should include the following information:
- Title
- Should be brief & descriptive (no longer than 5 words)
- Flyer
- Includes key information (What, Where, When, etc.)
- Club Logo
- 800 x 800 .png file
- Minimal details
- Flyer should be used as the thumbnail
- Description
- Details should be left for the section about the event on the posting (not in the flyer)
- Bio on the Guest Speaker (LinkedIn Profile)
- Dress Code
- Map (if off-campus)
- RSVP Link
- Metadata
- Category
- Tags
General Body Meeting Guidelines
The club is expected by Bauer MBA Society to be represented at executive board meetings and organizational events such as general body meetings, networking events, professional events, etc.
The purpose of attendance at the general body meetings is to promote/update the Bauer MBA Society members of future events for the clubs. This is an excellent opportunity to increase club membership and participation.
- Either the President or Executive Vice President is responsible for leading the meeting. Repeated unexcused absences may result in removal from the position (subject to the Executive Board).
- An attendance sheet MUST be provided at every meeting. The Executive Vice President is responsible for tracking the attendance of every member for each meeting to monitor participation and engagement level in the society.
- A meeting agenda MUST be prepared by either the President of Executive Vice President.
- At least one meeting must be held each month during the fall and spring semesters.
- A room MUST be reserved at least two (2) weeks in advance for the General Body Meeting.
- The general body MUST be notified at least one (1) week in advance via email. The VP of Marketing is responsible for issuing these emails.
- At least one representative of each club MUST be present at the General Body Meeting to present news about upcoming events or any updates since the previous meeting.
- RSVP’ing is not required.
Guest Speakers
It is the Executive Board’s responsibility to invite interesting guest speakers worthy of speaking before the class. Booking a room with a podium and projector is HIGHLY encouraged. Recommend testing the equipment at least 5-10 minutes prior to the start of the meeting. Refreshments, parking passes and gift items MUST be provided to any invited speaker to promote goodwill. Guest panels MUST have questions prepared in advance which are screened by the Club President. It is HIGHLY recommended to require business casual or professional attire and an RSVP at ANY event with a guest speaker.
It is HIGHLY recommended that these speakers be:
- Experienced industry professionals (+10 years)
- Comfortable speaking in front of large audiences
- Presentation ready (~30 minutes is the sweet spot)
- Linked to Bauer in some way (former alumni, faculty, etc.)
- Owns or works for a company that is currently recruiting MBA or MS degrees for internships or full-time positions
Promoting the Mentorship Program
One of the primary benefits & selling points of joining the Bauer MBA Society is gaining access to Bauer alumni and other professionals in the Houston area. It is vital that incoming VP’s of Mentorship work closely with the VP of Marketing to promote the Society via the benefits of the Mentorship program (testimonials are preferred). The prime opportunity to promote the program is during the incoming Fall Full-time & Professional MBA/MS Orientation (typically scheduled early & mid-August). The promotion for this program MUST occur early on during the Fall semester, so it is critical to spend the summer period as the incoming VP of Mentorship recruiting potential mentors via LinkedIn, the RCC and the Bauer Alumni Association .
Recommendations for Elected VP’s of Mentorship
- Outgoing Mentorship VP(s) will introduce incoming VP(s) to Anne Ness. It is important to continue this relationship because Anne has access to many former UH students willing to be mentors.
- NOTE: In the Fall of 2015, the Mentorship VP’s reached out to Ramona Taylor to see if Executive MBA students can sign up to be mentors after graduating, but Ramona stated that option is not available.
Summer (Scouting & Planning)
- Contact previous year’s mentors to find out if they are willing to be a mentor again.
- You can also reach out to people you know (scout for new mentors).
- Reach out to mentors that could not participate the previous year and find out if the deterrent circumstances have changed.
- Once you have the total number of students signed up for the program, you can ask Anne Ness reach out to former students if more mentors are needed (see below).
Fall (Implementation)
Prepare a flyer to post in MBA Commons and on the doors of breakout rooms in the UCBB.
- The fliers should have the deadline for interested students to sign up.
- Post the fliers shortly before the first BMBAS General Body Meeting.
Update the Mentor and Student handbooks (dates, names, email addresses, etc.).
- At the first BMBAS General Body Meeting, discuss the program to students, encourage them to sign up but let them know they must be a paid member of the society in order to participate in the program.
- Have Erin Sweeney From Rockwell review the documents for any updates needed
- Print out the handbooks and hand them out in the orientation (for mentees) and kickoff event (for mentors). Hand out the student folders during the orientation meeting. Hand out the mentor handbooks at the kickoff lunch event (mentioned below).
- If more students have signed up than mentors signed up, contact Anne Ness to ask her to help find the number of mentors needed and in which specific field (supply chain, finance, marketing, consulting, etc.).
Coordinate with Erin Sweeney to have the orientation meeting with students who sign up for the program about a week before the kick-off lunch
- Hand out the printed mentee handbook during the orientation meeting.
Work with the Social VP to find a place for the kick-off lunch
- Make name tags, for mentors and mentees.
- In 2015, the lunch was held at Baba Yega which had plenty of room and very good food.
- Also in 2015, the event was changed so that mentors and students met prior to being paired in order to see whose personality will be compatible and a better match for the program
- Make table signs, specifying the different areas of specialization, and place on the tables in Baba Yega. The purpose is so that students interested in a specific area (such as finance, marketing, etc) will know which mentors are in that area from the sign on the table. This helps facilitate the networking during lunch.
- At the lunch event, toward the end, give a brief talk, thanking everyone for coming out and all those who helped put the event together.
- Announce that the students should rank the top 3 to 5 mentors they prefer on the back of their nametags and return their nametags to you.
- Also announce that the mentors should rank the top 3 to 5 mentees they prefer on the back of their nametags and return their nametags to you.
- In 2017, emails were accepted in lieu of the writings behind the name tag (especially for mentors that didn’t feel comfortable writing or not writing students’ names in their presence)
After the initial meeting between the students and their assigned mentor, collect signed document from the students and turn them in to Marian Newman (This document is in the student handbook).
Send out holiday greetings to the mentors.
Spring (Transition)
- Request feedback from participating mentors and mentees on how to continue improving the program.
- Outgoing Mentorship VP(s) will introduce incoming VP(s) to Anne Ness.
- Pass on documents, Google Drive and Gmail account to the incoming VP(s).
- Invite mentors and participants to End of Year Social.
Planning a Service Event
- Announce the Event
- Begin marketing at least two (2) weeks ahead of the event date.
- Create the event on the BMBAS Google calendar with some description.
- Work with the VP of Marketing to send an initial announcement to BMBAS members and post to social media.
- Send at least one email reminder before the event.
- Estimate Expected Volunteers
- Provide an RSVP Form to track interested volunteers.
- Include an automated “Thank You” message to be emailed.
- Track Attendance
- Bring an attendance sheet and require those that come to sign in on their hours.
- Take photos during and at the end of the event to post on social media.
- After the event, send attendance sheet to President/EVP.
Follow up
- Thank attendees for their participation (by email).
- Include the results of the Service Event (such as How many attendees, total hours, donation amount, meals prepared, etc.) on the next Monthly Newsletter.
- List of Service Contacts
- Kickball Tournament Information
- Houston Food Bank
- Volunteer Houston
- Habitat for Humanity
Partnership Opportunities
- BCAA (Bauer College Alumni Association)
- They host a couple service type events throughout the year and have also shown interest in participating in events alongside BMBAS.
- Contact Email.
- Local Business Schools
- We have compiled a list of contacts at other business schools in the Houston area.
- This list will need to be actively maintained.